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U.S. 7 Eleven Locations

Facts about 7-Eleven:
  1. Founding Year:
  2. 7-Eleven was founded in 1927 in Dallas, Texas, USA.
  3. Global Presence:
  4. 7-Eleven is an international chain of convenience stores with a significant global presence. It operates in multiple countries around the world.
  5. 24/7 Operation:
  6. One of the distinctive features of 7-Eleven is its 24/7 operation, allowing customers to shop at any time of day or night.
  7. Slurpee:
  8. 7-Eleven is famous for its Slurpee, a frozen carbonated beverage available in various flavors. The Slurpee has become an iconic part of the 7-Eleven experience.
  9. Big Gulp:
  10. 7-Eleven is also known for its Big Gulp, a large-sized fountain drink that customers can fill with their choice of beverage.
  11. Convenience Store Format:
  12. 7-Eleven stores typically follow the convenience store format, offering a variety of snacks, beverages, ready-to-eat meals, and everyday essentials.
  13. Franchise Model:
  14. Many 7-Eleven stores operate under a franchise model, allowing individuals to own and operate their own 7-Eleven convenience stores.
  15. Japan's Influence:
  16. 7-Eleven has a strong presence in Japan, where it is known as "Seven & I Holdings." Japanese convenience stores, including 7-Eleven, often offer a wide range of food items and services.

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